
Terms of Use/Disclaimer

Down to Birth is wholly-owned by HypnoBirthing of Connecticut, LLC. All references related to this disclaimer apply to its owner, partners, guests, advertisers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives. By downloading, listening to, subscribing to, accessing or reading information related to the Down to Birth Podcast, this website, related social media platforms, podcast distributors or elsewhere, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

Down to Birth and its owner HypnoBirthing of Connecticut, LLC provides only general information and opinions related to health. Down To Birth Podcast and its owner, partners, guests, advertisers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives do not endorse any specific test, treatment, product, procedure, provider or facility. The opinions expressed by any member or participant are strictly general personal opinions and not the opinions or policies of any third party or institution. Absolutely nothing on or related to the Down To Birth Podcast shall be interpreted as advice, medical or otherwise, of any kind, neither are any opinions, statements or comments to be considered a supplement to or substitute for a professional medical healthcare provider or intended to diagnose or treat. As it relates to your own personal mental, emotional and/or physical health or that of your child(ren) or family, please see a licensed healthcare professional. Never make a healthcare decision based on information you heard or inferred from the Down To Birth Podcast. If you have medical questions, concerns or decisions, please consult only with your licensed medical provider. Any information you act on related to the Down to Birth Podcast, website, or otherwise is solely at your own risk.

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